VK Croatia Turanj


For any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact:

  • Ðoni Rota, club president
    23207 Turanj
    GSM: +385 91 5106 176, +385 98 230 808;
    tel/fax: +385 23 388 190
  • Nikola Deković, trainer
    23207 Turanj
    GSM: +385 98 1656 008; tel: +385 23 388 558
  • Tomislav Deković, webmaster
    GSM: +385 98 642 713; tel: +385 23 388 558

If you have any information, or photos and you think that it should be posted on this web site, please be free to contact me. If anyone feels insulted in any way by something posted on this web site, or he is the author of anything posted here, or in any way thinks that some part of content should be removed he should contact me and (if it is true) content will be removed. I wrote all the texts on this web site, made and prepared all the photos and illustrations (except for water polo game rules), and if you find it useful be free to save, copy or use it in any other way you want, but send me a notice of how it is going to be used. If anyone wants some of the photos on this web site just send me an e-mail, and I will send it in better quality and resolution. I would like to thank prof. Zlatko Šimenc, Ðoni Rota, Danijela Deković, Ivan Matković and all the people who helped me in collecting the materials or by advising me.

Since the water polo club Croatia Turanj does not have any income but sponsors contributions, any kind of help would be appreciated, so if you think that you can help in any way, or if you are interested in sponsoring us, please contact the club president.

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